Happy grad season--and congratulations to any graduates out there!
I graduated college in May of 2021, so it's been around a year since I've been out of school....thats so weird to think about 😅 I've learned so much from this time of my life though and really want to share my experience.

The Transition to "Full-Time Adult"
I think the one thing no one talks about is the transition from being a student to a "full-time adult." It's definitely weird and if you think about it too long it's scary LOL.
We've spent majority of our lives so far in school, so the jump from that to no more homework, class schedules or teachers can be uncomfortable and maybe leave you feeling lost.
My best advice for this stage is to remember that you aren't leaving your friendships, your personality and your hobbies back at school.
Make time to see your friends, stay true to yourself and continue to paint/sing/cook/garden/go out on the weekends--what ever your hobbies are! And if you don't have a hobby, now is the best time to get one :)

The Post-Grad Job Hunt
One part I was challenged with the most was finding a job in my degree after graduation. I'm still applying and going on interviews to this day for a job in my field. It doesn't happen overnight and its a full-time job applying for a full-time job–lol.
Although I have yet to step into a corporate role, I've learned so much in my other positions.
My end goal would be a job in communications or social media management, but I've had the ability to work on those skills at my current job!
I really do love what I'm doing right now. Though, I do plan to grow on when it's the right time for me.
If you're also struggling in this department, I just want to let you know you are 1000% not the only one. I used to think I was and it was a very rough point in my life. Thats why I think being transparent about life post-grad is so important! There is no one set path.

Everyone on Instagram is Engaged or Buying a House
YALL--It's like an engagement drops everyday out here and it's so exciting but I do have engagement fever because of it. It started with everyone buying a house or apartment together right after graduation but now there are rings involved.
I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years now and we're long distance--I miss him :'( <3 But we always make time for each other and usually take turns visiting every other weekend (check out my Long Distance Tips post if you want to hear more)!
Just a general reminder that there isn't a timeline. This is something I think is so helpful to keep in mind since we're in a big transition phase of life right now. Everyone moves at a different pace so don't stress about what comes next for you and if it adds ups with Susie Q's timeline or not.

My Takeaways and Last Advice
- Don't compare your post-grad experience to others.
- Maintain the same values you had as an undergrad.
- Keep applying to jobs, it's a process that takes time! ("Michael Jordan was cut from the first basketball team he tried out for" is what my Dad always tells me)
- There is no one set path to follow or a timeline you need to keep up with.
xx Madison
P.S. Make sure to follow me on Instagram at MadisonSchramm and TikTok at MadisonVSchramm for even more!