We’re finally out of Mercury Retrograde and should be feeling recharged and ready to conquer those projects we’ve been putting off.
I know what helps me to refocus is laying out my intentions. I like to go pen-to-paper and make lists of things I want to get done for the day, my goals for the week and affirmations to motivate me to complete those tasks.
I treat every start to a new month like new years. It’s a brand new chapter to our 2024 scrapbook and we have the ability to make changes or stay consistent to reach the best version of ourselves.
So let’s write out our goals for May (the BEST month—my birthday month!) and practice these intentions to get us motivated for the weeks ahead.

May Quote of The Month
Each month on my blog I chose a quote to center my intentions around for the new month ahead.

Spring is known for transformation and growth. It’s also traditionally graduation season, the start of wedding season and when your summer plans become even closer to reach.
I’m at a point where big decisions are being made and my life is leveling up a notch. It can be overwhelming and sometimes I feel like I’m still 16 LOL but keeping it in my head that I have what it takes to achieve these upcoming milestones is what matters.
Whichever season you’re entering this May, just remember that you have what it takes.